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feat(viz): allow to move landmarks from selected groups outside edit mode

Didier WECKMANN requested to merge landmarks-multi-group-move into dev


sight::module::viz::scene3dQt::adaptor::SLandmarks has been improved to support a MOVE mode when not in EDIT mode. The MOVE mode is controlled by enableMoveMode(), disableMoveMode(), toggleMoveMode() and changeMoveMode(bool) slots. The move can be restricted to specific groups when modify="groups" adaptor configuration is used, by setting a list of group in a new parameter of the configureLandmarks(). configureLandmarks() takes now a sight::viz::scene3d::LandmarksConfiguration structure, which is shared by signals, reducing the risk of typo and unwanted API modification.

How to test it?

  • Check that SightViewer still works and that you can add/remove/move landmarks
  • Use a project that use the new behaviours.

Merge request reports