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feat(viz): predefined camera position adaptor


Create a new camera interactor. Which place the camera to pre-defined (through xml) positions. Smooth transition is computed between each position, cycling through them is also possible.

Closes #1112 (closed)

How to test it?

Replace a trackballInteractor by the SPredefinedCamera like this ( option can be changed to test).

        <service uid="fixedInteractorAdp" type="sight::module::viz::scene3d::adaptor::SPredefinedCamera">
            <config priority="200" mouseRotation="true" />
                <position name="pos1" rx="-30.0" />
                <position name="pos2" rx="-30.0" ry="90.0" />
                <position name="pos3" rx="-30.0" ry="-90.0"/>
Edited by Marc SCHWEITZER

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