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(ui): enlarge the CT view (axial, sagittal and frontal) on SightViewer


These changes allow to enlarge one of the CT views by double-clicking on it. It is possible for it to restore its original size by double-clicking it again.

For this to work, it was needed to know when the view is double-clicked at the application level. To allow this, the SEvent adaptor was added, which has a signal which is triggered when the scene receives the specified input event.

Closes #566 (closed)

How to test it?

  • Launch SightViewer
  • Load an image (for example sight-data/sight/image/inr/image.inr.gz)
  • Enable the Negato view
  • Double-click on the axial view. It should be enlarged.
  • Double-click on the axial view again. The other views should reappear.
  • Do the same for each negato views.
  • Enable the Volume view. The main scene should be enlarged a usual.

Some results

screenshot_sightviewer_axialview A screenshot of SightViewer where the axial view was enlarged.

Edited by Lucas SCHMIDT

Merge request reports
