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feat(core): add a function profiling utilities


Added a profiling macro that takes a function/lambda and execute it 'n' times. It computes the average execution time with the standard error. Optionally, it can continue to loop until a given error "ratio" ("standard error" / "mean") is reached, ensuring some level of accuracy.


  • Added "/Zc:preprocessor" windows compile flag to support __VA_OPT__ c++20 macro, which also triggers more warning, since the compiler / preprocessor is now stricter. For example, std::transform(string.begin(), string.end(), std::to_upper) doesn't work anymore since std::to_upper() returns an int which is greater than the destination (char)..
  • Fix all warnings due to C4244
  • restore PCH=off for windows (which can be useful to fix lint pass since clang-tidy use this configuration to be a bit faster)

Closes #988 (closed)

How to test it?

Call in a unit test, something like:

    (std::size_t i) /// i is the current iteration
        /// some code to profile
    10, /// At least 10x
    "A label to find it in the log",
    0.1 /// the error ratio to reach (standard_error / mean)

Or look at the modified libs\io\bitmap\test\tu\WriterTest.cpp

Some results

Sample output:

[01.11.2022 11:15:12.126270][00:00:03.219552][0x00000494][0x00003714][info] [libs\io\bitmap\test\tu\WriterTest.cpp:413] NVJPEG (FAST) : average time (3 iterations) = 6.8092 ms, standard error = 0.422708 ms
Edited by Didier WECKMANN

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