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enh(ui): add more signals/slot on toolbar.xml


Enhance the configs/io/video/rc/configurations/toolbar.xml

Rename the config to grabbingHandler.xml and its id to sight_config_io_video_grabbingHandler

add some documentation

add the signals channels on toolbar.xml:

        <param name="cameraPausedChannelOut" default="cameraPausedChannelOut" />
        <param name="cameraResumePauseChannelOut" default="cameraResumePauseChannelOut" />
        <param name="loopModeToggleChannelOut" default="loopModeToggleChannelOut" />
        <param name="configuredFileOut" default="configuredFileOut" />
        <param name="configuredStreamOut" default="configuredStreamOut" />
        <param name="configuredDeviceOut" default="configuredDeviceOut" />

Delete the connection :


add a documentation

Closes #967 (closed)

How to test it?

Add toolbar.xml in a configuration and try to catch the signals.

Play a video from a file. It should not play automatically at file selection.

Edited by Michaël KUGLER

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