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Resolve "Ogre : Addition of a labeled point list"

Yann PROBST requested to merge 162-ogre-addition-of-a-labeled-point-list into dev

What does this MR do?

If the option "displayLabel" is set to true on the XML configuration, it will add a label on a point when the point is created.

You can also choose the character height and the color of the label on the XML configuration.

How to test it?

  1. Set the option "displayLabel" to true on the "::visuOgreAdaptor::SPointList" service of the "OgreGenericScene.xml" file.

    You can also set some option like the "charHeight" or the "labelColor" on the XML configuration service.

    "charHeiht" correspond to a float and the "labelColor" to an hexa string color ("#ffffff")

  2. Launch the OgreViewer application

  3. Open VTK file ("File" -> "Open series model" -> "VTK files (VTK)")

  4. Ctrl + Left click to create a point on the vtk file.

It will create a label corresponding to the point.

Edited by Yann PROBST

Merge request reports