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(sightCalibrator): make calibration application great again


When using the sigh native calibration application, there are several way to crash it, and non-functionnal bugs.

correction cover:

  • SCalibrationInfoEditor dead lock. A scope is added in the remove to release the var lock and allow the update at the end of the method
  • Meshadaptor submesh initialisation , and celltype definition
  • ui: add a playFromPause button, which calls the pause again, as pause + pause leads to play at the same place in the videograbber.

Closes #809 (closed)

How to test it?

test 1: => launch sightCalibrator => choose calibration activity => play a camera or a file => register an image with a board => remove the image acquired

test 2: => launch sightCalibrator => choose calibration activity => play a camera or a file => register an image with a board => open the image added => close the image

Edited by Michaël KUGLER

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