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(io): remove module::io::atoms and use `io::session::SReader` and `io::session::SWriter` everywhere

Didier WECKMANN requested to merge 776-io-remove-module-io-atoms into dev


All of module::io::atoms has been removed and replaced by module::io::session counterpart. Patch and Filter features of atoms have also been removed.

Additionally, a new preference system, using Boost property tree, has been implemented:


The class is thread safe and use RAII mechanism to load and store data from and to the preference file. In a service, the basic usage would be:

        // Load
        Preferences preferences;
        std::string filename = preferences.get("debug.filename");
        int level = preferences.get<int>("debug.level");
        // Save
        Preferences preferences;
        preferences.put("debug.filename", "log.txt");
        preferences.put("debug.level", 2);
    catch(const ui::base::PreferencesDisabled&)
        // Nothing to do..

Which will be translated into:

        filename: "log.txt"
        level: 2


The configuration is done by static functions:

  • set_enabled: Enable or disable preference management as a whoole. All functions, including constructor will throw PreferencesDisabled exception if used while "disabled"

  • set_password: Set an harcoded password to be used. It enables defacto the encryption

  • set_password_policy: Defines how and when a password is asked. @see sight::core::crypto::PasswordKeeper::PasswordPolicy for possible values.

    NEVER will never display any message box, but if a password has been set, the resulting preference file will still be encrypted. An BadPassword exception will be thrown instead of diplaying a message box, asking to renter the password.

  • set_encryption_policy: Define when the preferences file is encrypted: @see sight::core::crypto::PasswordKeeper::EncryptionPolicy for possible values.

    FORCE will encrypt the file, even if no password is given. In this case a pseudo random password is used, which can be guessed if someone has access to the code. Another option is to use an harcoded password AND EncryptionPolicy::SALTED

  • Module Configuration: All the above can be configured through the module ui_base parameters (@see sight::module::ui::base::Plugin) The preferences are enabled by default, without encryption. An example of configuration would be:


Simple JSON serialization on filesystem

It is now possible to use SReader and SWriter to serialize a data object into a single JSON file (until the serializer class also store additional files like for Mesh or Image object).


This is achieved withe the archive configuration node and its format attribute:

  • filesystem: Reads files from the filesystem.
  • archive: Reads files from an session archive.
  • default: uses the builtin default behavior which is archive
XML sample configuration:
<service type="sight::module::io::session::SReader">
    <inout key="data" uid="..." />
    <dialog extension=".sample" description="Sample Sight session file" policy="always"/>
    <password policy="once, encryption=salted"/>
    <archive format="filesystem"/>


This is achieved withe the archive configuration node and its format attribute:

  • filesystem: Use the filesystem to store files.
  • compatible: Store files in a ZIP archive, with old deflate algorithm
  • optimized: Store files in a ZIP archive, with zstd algorithm
  • default: uses the builtin default behavior which is "optimized"
XML sample configuration:
<service type="sight::module::io::session::SWriter">
    <in key="data" uid="..." />
    <dialog extension=".sample" description="Sample Sight session file" policy="once"/>
    <password policy="once", encryption=salted/>
    <archive format="optimized"/>

Closes #776 (closed)

How to test it?

See the modified config and launch application / samples / tutorials, (most notably, applications with transfert function, cameraseries import / export)

Edited by Didier WECKMANN

Merge request reports