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Resolve "Sample to merge two RGBD Cameras"

Marc SCHWEITZER requested to merge 173-sample-to-merge-two-rgbd-cameras into dev

What does this MR do?

Add a new PoC to merge pointclouds from 2 RGBD Cameras (Orbbec astras).

Move opDepthMap & depthMapOp from internal repository to opensource.

Closes #173 (closed)

How to test it?


  1. You will need two astras and their internal calibration ( from depth sensor to color sensor). You can use this one
  2. You will also need the transformation between color sensor of each cameras (the extrinsic matrix from stereo calibration).

Use ARCalibration and export the Extrinsic matrix in .trf format (see !66 (merged) ).

PoCMergePointclouds overview


from Left to Right

  1. Load Astra n°1 calibration (depth to color)
  2. Play Astra n°1
  3. Stop Astra n°1
  4. Pause Astra n°1
  5. Load Astra n°2 calibration (depth to color)
  6. Play Astra n°2
  7. Stop Astra n°2
  8. Pause Astra n°2
  9. Load Extrinsic Transform (from color1 n°1 to color n°2)
  10. Show/Hide poincloud from astra n°1
  11. Show/Hide pointcloud from astra n°2

Let's play

In the video TAB

  • Load the first astra calibration ( button 1)
  • Load the second astra calibration (button 5)
  • Load extrinsic matrix ( .trf) (button 9)
  • Play both astras ( 2 & 6)

You should visualize RGB & Depth coming from both astra.

RGB 1 Depth 1
RGB2 Depth 2

In the Pointcloud Tab

You should be abble to visualize two pointclouds (one green and one blue)

Use button 10 & 11 to show/hide each.

Please keep in mind that this is a proof of concept.


Unfortunately I cannot provide data to test the POC, it's very complicated to record 2 RGB & 2 Depth streams synchronously on the same computer 😢 .

Some results

Video Tab


Pointcloud Tab



Edited by Marc SCHWEITZER

Merge request reports
