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Resolve "[Linux] remove usage of QT_QPA_FONTDIR"

Marc SCHWEITZER requested to merge 149-linux-remove-usage-of-qt_qpa_fontdir into dev

What does this MR do?

Closes #149 (closed).

Usage of QT_QPA_FONTDIR is deleted in both build & install scripts.

Please check first https://gitlab.lan.local/Sight/sight-deps/merge_requests/7 to enable fontconfig in Qt.

How to test it?

  1. See https://gitlab.lan.local/Sight/sight-deps/merge_requests/7

  2. Build any sight application

  3. launch application using the generated script in build dir (in build/bin)

  4. launch application using the generated script in install dir (in install/bin)

  5. Fonts should be displayed 🎉

Depends on

Edited by Marc SCHWEITZER

Merge request reports