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fix(tests): fix fwServicesTest and fwActivitiesTest

Emilie WERNERT requested to merge 141-broken-tests into dev

What does this MR do?

This MR fixes the broken tests of fwServicesTest and fwActivitiesTest.

  • It fixes the resources path.
  • It updates the wait macros to test is a service exists. It replaces ::fwTools::fwID::getObject(uid) by ::fwTools::fwID::exist(uid) because when getObject is called, an assert is raised: the service pointer expires before it is removed from the ID map.

How to test it?

Launch fwServicesTest and fwActivitiesTest.

You can also run all the tests using ninja test and report the broken ones in #141 (closed).


No data required for these tests.

For the other tests, you need the data from the sight-data repository. You need to set export FWTEST_DATA_DIR=/path/to/sight-data.

Some results

On my Linux, only fwDicomIOFilterTest failed.

On my macOS, fwThreadTest fails sometimes and fwJobsTest segfault.

See #141 (closed) Closes #152 (closed)

Edited by Emilie WERNERT

Merge request reports
