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(ExActivitiesQml): implement activities for Qml applications

What does this MR do?

Create a Qml sample to launch activities.

  • Create base class for activity launcher and sequencer service to share the code between qml and qt services.
  • Move qml style from guiQml to styleQml bundles
  • improve AppManager to manage input parameters and to generate unique identifier

How to test it?

Set the cmake flag ENABLE_QML_APPLICATION to ON when you compile ExActivitiesQml (don't forget to remove if after that if you need to support the old API of activity launcher service)

  • Launch ExActivitiesQml
  • open a mask image (see sample.tar.bz2)
  • click on Mesher button in the toolbar
    • generate one ore more mesh
  • click on Display button in the toolbar
  • play with the application



Some results

Capture_du_2019-09-24_14-30-05 Capture_du_2019-09-24_11-48-11

Associated Issues/Merge Requests

Edited by Romain MANCIAUX

Merge request reports