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(fwPreferences): add getValue helper

Julien WAECHTER requested to merge 304-fwpreferences-add-getvalue-helper into dev

What does this MR do?

The method getPreferenceKey(...) returns associated value saved in the preferences (if delimited with the character %) or simply returns the variable. This helper is defined (copied/pasted) 12 times in Sight. To avoid this, we have centralized all these versions in fwPreferences with the new method getValue(const std::string& var, const char delimiter = '%').

How to test it?

configure/build sight and run the unit-test:

> bin/fwpreferencestest


no required data

Additional tests to run

  • Build on Windows
  • Build on Linux
  • Build on Macos

Associated Issues/Merge Requests

Edited by Julien WAECHTER

Merge request reports
