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(OgreDynamicImageTest): speed-up copyNegatoImage() and updateImage()

What does this MR do?

Research on ways to improve copyNegatoImage. Implementation of an excel with the different tests performed (memcpy, parallel omp, memmove, CPU/GPU conversion, pixel format, etc). Finally, the best way is to use parallel omp.

Improve the UpdateImage function from the SVolumeRenderFile

All the tests performances are available in the excel file.

How to test it?

  1. Run OgreDynamicImageTest-0.2
  2. Click on the "play" icon
  3. Increases the size of the image by moving the bar
  4. Read the performance file

Some results


BEFORE TIME: 569 ImageUpdateBefore

AFTER TIME: 467 ImageUpdateAfter

Associated Issues/Merge Requests

Edited by Yann PROBST

Merge request reports