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(fwDataTest): fix MTLockTest random failure

Emilie WERNERT requested to merge 281-fwdata-ut-mtlocktest-fails-on-the-ci into dev

What does this MR do?

The test try to lock the data to write "lili" or "tata" in a fwData::String. It launches two asynchronous methods that lock the data to write, wait 10ms between each char insertion and wait 5ms after the unlock. Then, it ensures that the letters from "tata" and "lili" are not mixed in the string.

How to test it?

Launch fwDAtaTest.


No data

Additional tests to run

Check the ci, it must not fail on fwDataTest.

Associated Issues/Merge Requests

Edited by Flavien BRIDAULT

Merge request reports
