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(fwVtkIO): speed-up mesh conversion to VTK

Emilie WERNERT requested to merge 288-fwvtkio-improve-mesh-convertion-to-vtk into dev

What does this MR do?

The methods updating the mesh points, normals and texture to VTK were very slow, checking the allocated memory on each value. It is replaced by using the SetArray() methods with a copy of the data mesh array.

To update a mesh of 1 843 200 points in release:

  • update points = 7.86939 ms.
  • update point colors = 23.2525 ms.


  • update points = 6.88499 ms.
  • update point colors = 0.666117 ms.

How to test it?

Use an application that displays a point cloud with VTK (ARSEG, ARSUG, ...) and see that it is better. It may still be slow in debug.

Some results

(Some interesting results, screenshot, perfs, ...)

Additional tests to run

  • Launch fwVtkIOTest

Associated Issues/Merge Requests

Edited by Flavien BRIDAULT

Merge request reports