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(videoVLC)Implement RTP video streaming with libvlc.

Luis MENDOZA requested to merge 274-implement-rtp-video-streaming-with-libvlc into dev

What does this MR do?

Closes #274 (closed)

Adds a new service ̀ SFrameStreamerin thevideoVLC` bundle. Which allows streaming frames pushed into a FrameTL.

Adds a new sample ExVLCVideoStreaming that grabs and streams a given video (either passed through a file or directly a stream).

Adds and Increments videoVLC conan package version dependency.

How to test it?

  1. Make sure you've check the dependencies for this MR 😉
  2. Add ExVLCVideoStreaming to your PROJECTS_TO_BUILD .
  3. Build it.
  4. launch it
  5. Load a video (either through stream or file or device). Stream casting should be done automatically.
  6. Read the output stream with your favorite streaming app (VLC, ffplay... ).


Any video or, this stream :

Additional tests to run

  • Build on Windows
  • Build on Mac Os
  • Build on Linux

Associated Issues/Merge Requests

Edited by Julien WAECHTER

Merge request reports