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fix(viz): various fixes in the transfer function and image code

Flavien BRIDAULT requested to merge xxx-transfer-function-fixes into dev


  • move the PACS configuration in a module so that it can be used in other apps
  • the image is now an input and not an inout in the module::ui::qt::image::window_level service
  • adjust the range of module::ui::qt::image::window_level depending on the image range
  • remove the static label in the color widget of module::ui::qt::settings
  • sight::data::helper::medical_image::get_min_max() now returns its values as a pair to avoid a wrong initialisation in the caller code. This is a breaking change in the API
  • fix mixed rendering with binary transparent objects

How to test it?

To be tested with dependent merge-requests. Non regressions should be covered by unit-tests.

Edited by Flavien BRIDAULT

Merge request reports
