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  • Flavien BRIDAULT's avatar
    misc: rename all remaining targets in snake_case · e930772c
    Flavien BRIDAULT authored
    All targets that were still in camel case were renamed in snake case: tutorials, examples and unit tests.
    Also, the naming of unit test and GUI tests were made consistent:
    * the new naming for unit test targets is `<target>_ut` instead `<target>Test.`. The namespace is unchanged, `target::ut`.
    * the new naming for "GUI" test targets is `<target>_uit` instead `<target>GuiTest.` The namespace is now `target::uit` instead of `target::test::ui`.
    This frees up the "\_test" suffix for library test code, i.e. the test of `module_ui` does not conflict with the test library `module_ui_test`.
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