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feat(core): allow to disable or reset preferences programmatically


These changes add a new method SPreferences::ignoreFilesystem, which allows to create an empty preferences on startup, ignoring any existing preferences file, and then to not save the preferences on exit. While SPreferences::set_enabled exists, it isn't easily usable as most applications use SPreferences and won't work anymore. SPreferences::ignoreFilesystem(true) is used in GUI tests to improve the reproducibility of the tests and to avoid modifying the preference of the user.

In addition, a case of "infinite" loop when SightCalibrator is used with the preferences disabled is fixed.

Closes #1020 (closed)

How to test it?

Run SightViewer in fullscreen, then close it. Run sightviewerguitest, it shouldn't run in fullscreen. Run SightViewer, it should still be in fullscreen.

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