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enh(test): add tests for a real world application


A real world application needed more tests. Some tests were added on the part of the code it relies on.

Closes #998 (closed)

How to test it?

Run the new tests.

Additional tests/tasks to run

Fix the discovered bugs:

  • data::Array::resize crashes when its buffer object is set to nullptr beforehand. The code should either handle this case, or the documentation should mention that this use case isn't supported.
  • Iterators in data::CalibrationInfo doesn't seem to work.
  • io::base::writer::GzBufferImageWriter::write always fails with either an exception or an assert.
  • Version field isn't set in DicomSRNode, probably because of a typo in DicomSRNode::createConceptNameCodeSequence.
  • When using io::vtk::helper::Mesh::toVTKMesh with a tetra mesh, but point id list in the resulting mesh is always empty.
  • "removeIfPresent" mode in module::data::SManage crashes when used with data::Vector because of a typo.
  • When using module::data::SSeriesSignal with no filter, no series are signaled, though one would expect that all are signaled.
  • Using module::data::SSeriesSignal with an "exclude" filter doesn't work as expected.
  • When using module::io::session::SReader with password.policy=always, the service won't ask for the password again if the user makes a mistake.
Edited by Lucas SCHMIDT

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