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Fix delay application in synchroniser

Michaël KUGLER requested to merge 936-fix-delay-application-in-synchroniser into dev


Apply delay on the matrix or the frame depending on the delay sign

Update the slot to allow settings delay different for each timeline.

  • The key needs to be either frameDelay_i or matrixDelay_i where i is the index of the timeline in the input vector
  • The value should be a positive value.
  • The delay will be applied to the corresponding timeline. Once synchronized, the effective frame/matrix
  • picked by the algorithm will be in the past with a temporal offset of delay.

Closes #936 (closed)

How to test it?

Run an application with a frame/matrix synchroniser.

Add a massive (2000) timeshift in one of the tl, and verify that it unsynchs the elements which are synch normaly.

Edited by Michaël KUGLER

Merge request reports