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Resolve "Integration of SOpticalFlow from internship repository"

What does this MR do?

Add a new service that performs optical flow on a video to detect if camera is moving or not. Use the service in a new example called ExDetectCamMotion.

SOpticalFlow is designed to only detect if camera is moving not if something happend on video. It can send 2 signals: cameraMoved if motion and cameraRemained if camera is stable.

This can be usefull to trigger event when motion or remaining phases are detected, ex: only add calibration image if camera is not moving.

How to test it?

  • Compile ExDetectCamMotion
  • Run ExDetectCamMotion
  • Check that the Motion Status is red when camera is stable
  • Check that the Motion Status is green when camera is moving
  • You can also test to move an object (not the camera) in front of the camera, if object is not too big Status should be red.

Closes #21 (closed)

Edited by Marc SCHWEITZER

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