(core): use lambdas instead of deprecated QSignalMapper for Qt Signals/Slots
QSignalMapper is clearly marked as deprecated in Qt Doc:
This class is obsolete. It is provided to keep old source code working. We strongly advise against using it in new code.
sight/modules/ui/uiImageQt/include/uiImageQt/WindowLevel.hpp -
sight/modules/ui/uiImageQt/src/uiImageQt/WindowLevel.cpp -
sight/modules/ui/monitorQt/include/monitorQt/DumpEditor.hpp -
sight/modules/ui/monitorQt/src/monitorQt/DumpEditor.cpp -
sight/modules/ui/guiQt/include/guiQt/editor/SParameters.hpp -
Possible fixes
Replace the QSignalMapper by a simple lambda as in:
connect(watchThisButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [this](){ slotLinkActivated(QStringLiteral("add_watch")); });
Edited by Didier WECKMANN